You Will Find…
A classic 2 sides “prospector style” tent. A kitchen section with a table, four chairs, a bench and even more. Beds behind a canvas to offer some privacy. Many storage spaces. An outdoor terrace with or without BBQ. Universal access for people. Two versions available: 3 seasons and 4 seasons for comfort throughout the year.
A Comfortable Experience in the Great Outdoors
The 19th century Gold Rush saw prospectors conquer the western territories of the American continent. These men were lodged in modest tents, under difficult conditions. The oTENTik tent, inspired by those prospectors’ tents, would undoubtedly have made the happiness of prospectors at the time. Exclusively offered in Parks Canada parks, oTENTik tents offer you the opportunity to experience a comfortable, one-night or weekend, year-round camping experience.



Live the oTENTIK experience
- Accommodation capacity: 6 people
- Interior dimensions: 14’ x 17’ 6’’ (245 ft2) / 4.3 m x 5.3 m (22.8 m2)
- Clearance height: 48’’ to 86’’ / 1.2 m to 2.2 m
- Structure: white pine
- Fabrics: Ferrari Precontraint 502 satin (exterior) and natural cotton (interior) complying with current regulations
- Thermal insulation: 3 seasons, 3 seasons + (walls and roof) or 4 seasons (walls, roof and floor) options
- Lifetime of fabric: 10 to 15 years
- Warranty of fabric: 10 years